Thematic vs Others

Discover blog articles and posts on how Thematic AI compares with alternative vendors in feedback analytics software.

AI text analysis tools make it much easier to analyze customer feedback.

The Top AI Text Analysis Tools You Should Be Using Members Public

With 175 Zettabytes of data predicted to be generated by 2025, AI text analytics is a game-changer. These tools tools help turn this overwhelming data into valuable insights. And these enable us to make smarter decisions and spark innovation. Virtually any business or organization dealing with large volumes of text

Alice Longhurst
Alice Longhurst
AI & Tech

Top Medallia Alternatives & Competitors (And What They’re Best At) Members Public

You’ve been searching for the best customer experience platform and came across Medallia. But, a few things are stopping it from being the best choice for your organization, so you’re looking for alternatives. While some Medallia competitors offer similar all-in-one solutions, there are other alternatives you can use

Jess Perenara-Wilkinson
Thematic vs Others

How to super-charge your Qualtrics setup with Thematic & Power BI Members Public

Qualtrics is one of the most well-known and powerful Customer Feedback Management platforms. But even so, it has limitations. We recently hosted a live panel where data analysts from two well-known brands shared their experiences with Qualtrics, and how they extended this platform’s capabilities. Below, we’ll share the

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Customer Experience

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