Agi Marx

Agi loves writing! She enjoys breaking down complex topics into clear messages that help others. She speaks four languages fluently and has lived in six different countries.

7 nuggets of learnings from SaaStr 2018 Members Public

To be right in the heart of the SaaS (software as a service) action, and learn from the best in the industry, we hopped over to San Francisco, USA, to attended SaaStr [] 2018 — the biggest SaaS conference in the world. It’s literally where the crème

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Using Thematic

3 ways Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning improve CX Members Public

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools make it possible to easier anticipate customer needs in multiple ways. For example, marketers can analyze vast volumes of customer data, identifying the characteristics of high-value past customers which allows businesses to create highly personalized campaigns. Sales teams can quickly identify customer purchasing patterns and customer

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
AI & Tech

Annette Franz shares her 7 deadly sins of customer experience Members Public

Customer experience expert, Annette Franz, shares her “7 Deadly Sins of Customer Experience” and her best tips for a successful customer experience transformation journey. Annette, please can you give us an overview of your career to date? I’ve been in this customer experience profession since long before it was

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Customer Experience
Baristas at work behind a coffee counter

The Kano Model - guest post by Michael D. Lieberman Members Public

In this guest post, Michael Lieberman takes us through the Kano Model of customer satisfaction. This simple, powerful model is used to understand the difference between Basic, Performance, and Delighter features of a product or service.

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Customer Experience

Customer experience insights with Jeremy Watkin, Customer Service Leader at FCR Members Public

We interview Jeremy Watkin, the Customer Experience Leader at FCR and co-founder and regular contributor on Customer Service Life. He shares his keys to building a great customer experience program and how lack of employee engagement can affect the customer experience. Can you briefly explain your background and current role

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Customer Experience

Guest interview: Sean Hawkins, Customer Service Leader & Speaker Members Public

Thank you to Sean Hawkins, Customer Service Leader & Speaker, for making the time to do an interview with us on the subjects of customer experience and customer retention. In terms of achieving organizational success, can you define the importance of the relationship between employees and customers? If you don’t

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Customer Experience
Angry customer giving one star reviews

Why you should never tell the customer “no”, says Richard Shapiro Members Public

We pick Richard Shapiro’s brain on best practices for customer satisfaction and customer experience. As the founder and president of The Center For Client Retention (TCFCR), he is a great candidate for our guest interview. Name at least 3 key factors that you believe affect customer satisfaction, whether positive

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Customer Experience

Why you need to mine positive scores for negative themes Members Public

Your survey results look awesome. The scores are high and customers seem generally happy. Most survey responses have top-box ratings, which means the customer selected one of the two highest rating options. Nothing to worry about, right? Not so fast. There might be a hidden danger lurking in those positive

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Customer Experience