Agi Marx

Agi loves writing! She enjoys breaking down complex topics into clear messages that help others. She speaks four languages fluently and has lived in six different countries.

5 reasons to choose text analytics to find meaningful insights Members Public

Discover why text analytics is the best way to find meaningful insights in customer responses.

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Feedback Analysis

How to measure accuracy of coding survey responses Members Public

In this article, we explain how to evaluate the accuracy of coding survey responses. Whether coding is manual or automated, we recommend using the same method and explain here how it works in practice. Why measuring the accuracy of coding matters Responses to open-ended questions in surveys are full of

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
AI & Tech

5 practical use cases of customer sentiment analysis for NPS Members Public

Maya Angelou once said “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Results from a recent Mckinsey study demonstrate what this means for businesses: After a positive customer experience, more than 85 percent of customers purchased

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
AI & Tech