Review Analysis: How to Analyze Customer & Product Reviews Paid Members Public
What review analysis is and how businesses use it to make better, data-driven decisions.

Qualitative Data Analysis: Step-by-Step Guide (Manual vs. Automatic) Paid Members Public
See Thematic in Action Experience the power of AI Try Thematic See Thematic in Action Experience the power of AI Try Thematic

How Thematic finds insights in large datasets: Analyzing 130k bank app reviews Paid Members Public
We've used the power of Thematic to analyze over 130k bank app reviews. Proving the capacity of Thematic, we derive critical business insights into these applications.

How to measure customer satisfaction: the complete guide Paid Members Public
Everyone says they want customers to be satisfied, but what are you actually doing to make customers happy? How do you know if you’re on the right track? How do you know if your customer satisfaction efforts make a difference? Why even aim for customer satisfaction at all? We

How to discover and prioritize improvement initiatives for your CX and product Paid Members Public
What is the secret to achieving more with less? As you and I well know, it’s all about working on the right things. However, so much resource is dedicated to building the wrong things. Software companies are notoriously bad at this. Pendo.io analyzed usage data collected by SaaS

How LinkedIn Fuels NPS Insights Using Thematic's AI Paid Members Public
In a recent presentation for NEXT by the Insights Associations, LinkedIn market research professional Allison Schoer joined Thematic’s co-founder Alyona Medelyan to share how LinkedIn uses Thematic to dig deep into feedback trends, align stakeholders around initiatives. If you would like to watch the presentation, check it out below.

Tips for Customer Experience practitioners during the COVID-19 pandemic Paid Members Public
The world has now recognised and is starting to see the devastating impact that COVID-19 (or Coronavirus) will have on the lives of many. I live in New Zealand and at the time of writing this we have only 28 confirmed cases of Coronavirus. Despite this, businesses here are already