Customer Experience

Read blog articles and stories on how to measure customer experience, how to identify what you need to improve and how to analyze feedback data to understand your customer needs.

Don’t let customer satisfaction surveys tarnish your brand Members Public

The idea of customer satisfaction surveys originated with good intent. Businesses wanted to know how their customer’s felt so they could make things better. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, things went wrong. Now, customers are surveyed incessantly. Some companies hound their buyers for responses after every interaction and then

Joellyn Sargent
Joellyn Sargent
Customer Experience

7 proven ways to get C-suite buy-in for your Customer Experience strategy Members Public

Are you feeling discouraged by a lack of buy-in from leadership for your customer experience (CX) strategies? Perhaps your objective is a clear CX focus for the leadership at your company, but no-one seems to support your ideas? You’re not alone. This is a very common scenario in the

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Customer Experience

Customer Experience Champions: Best Practices from the CX Veterans Members Public

I’ve just returned for Corinium’s Chief Customer Officers and Influencers conference in Atlanta. As someone who just joined the customer experience and insights industry four weeks ago, this felt like a capstone project where I was forced to “talk the talk” and “walk the walk.” It was humbling

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Customer Experience

5 best open-ended questions for your customer survey - and what not to ask Members Public

Looking to improve your customer relationship survey? If you’re about to send your annual customer relationship survey, maybe you’re looking for new questions to ask, or wondering what type of open ended questions you should include. Here, we share the 5 best practice questions that we have found

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Customer Experience

The right diagnosis is crucial for marketing and customer experience improvement Members Public

A B2B software client was facing declining quarter-over-quarter sales. Their answer was to hire two additional sales reps. Unfortunately, the new reps were expensive and did not get the revenue back on track. After an analysis of the competitive landscape, we diagnosed the issue as a packaging and delivery problem.

Christopher Ryan
Christopher Ryan
Customer Experience

Are you really engaging customers? 3 tips to get customer engagement right Members Public

Are you doing customer engagement right? Too many marketers assume that their strategies and offers are engaging their customers. This assumption is often wrong. Unless you are engaged in two-way dialogue and providing value-added communications, you have no idea what customers think about your business and your marketing tactics [https:

Ernan Roman
Ernan Roman
Customer Experience

Amazing customer experience begins with engaged leaders Members Public

Providing amazing customer experience and customer service is not as hard as we make it seem. However, it takes commitment, diligence and lots of effort to do it well. In the simplest form, excellent service is the result of treating customers with courtesy and respect. Treat them like people first,

Sean Hawkins
Sean Hawkins
Customer Experience

Why is your customer experience not improving? [video] Members Public

Are you doing “all the right things” but your customer experience (CX) is still not improving? There might be hidden forces preventing you from reaching your customer experience goals. Watch our webinar with CX expert Megan Burns, (keynote speaker, executive advisor and Former Vice President Principal Analyst, CX at Forrester.

Agi Marx
Agi Marx
Customer Experience

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