Customer Experience

Read blog articles and stories on how to measure customer experience, how to identify what you need to improve and how to analyze feedback data to understand your customer needs.

Why customer feedback is critical for digital transformation in 2020 Members Public

Digital transformation is one of those terms that has been taking the corporate world by storm for the past years. Like it or hate it, it’s here to stay. Here is proof from Google trends showing the growing popularity of the search term “digital transformation”: There are some great

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Customer Experience

How to get CX buy-in from decision makers to truly improve CX: Report surveying 150 CX professionals Members Public

Getting CX buy-in and commitment for CX initiatives from executive leaders is key when it comes to driving real results for customers, but many CX leaders struggle with this. We surveyed 150 CX professionals to learn about their current role and situation: Are they getting buy-in in their organization? Which

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Customer Experience

5 Keys to Turn Customer Surveys into Action and Results: Key #1 Members Public

Key #1: Let customers talk! (Ask open-ended survey questions) Companies know that customer feedback matters. There are more cost-effective (sometimes even free!) services than ever to solicit that feedback. However, too many businesses struggle to turn this feedback into action. In other words, they collect valuable data — then do nothing

Steven Plaat
Steven Plaat
Customer Experience

The 3 Biggest Challenges Facing CX Teams In 2019 Members Public

Earlier this month I attended the CXPA conference in Salt Lake City. CXPA or the Customer Experience Professionals Association is an organization dedicated to cultivating the CX profession. Check them out. The conference brings together CX experts from a variety of industries to talk about pressing issues affecting teams and

Edward Hu
Edward Hu
Customer Experience

Four Ways Insurers can Leverage AI Powered Text Analytics Members Public

Thematic participated in the OnRamp Insurance Conference in snowy Minneapolis last month. The event brought together some of nations premier insurers, investors and startups to discuss innovation occurring in fin-tech and insure-tech. Many of the insurance providers have even established corporate venture capital arms to invest in the technology and

Edward Hu
Edward Hu
Customer Experience

How To Perform Churn Analysis - [Free Guide & Templates] Members Public

“I need a churn analysis! We recently launched a new way of delivering our product and customer churn is a major pain!” — a concerned friend. Since I co-founded customer feedback company Thematic, friends who work on software products often ask me how to effectively use churn analysis to identify, fix

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Churn & Loyalty

How top YC companies use customer insights to drive product roadmap Members Public

Interview with Arianna McClain, Director of UX at Cruise Alyona: Arianna, you’ve had an amazing career in such a short time. You worked for IDEO and led user experience and customer insights at DoorDash and Cruise, two of the most successful YC companies. How did you get into this

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Customer Experience

The untold love story between churn and customer feedback loops Members Public

Customer churn can be a nightmare, but controlling it is key to the long-term survival of your business. Why? Because repeat customers lead to higher profits for your business as they are associated with higher sales.

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Churn & Loyalty

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