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Customer Metrics

36 Posts
Melodics' big Aha! moments through analyzing customer feedback
Melodics' big Aha! moments through analyzing customer feedback
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It’s always inspiring to hear how our Thematic clients are able to leverage insights derived from analyzing customer feedback. I’d like to share with you the story of how Melodics got some pretty big Aha! moments when they started digging deeper into their feedback data.  Melodics Music is

Customer Experience
How to leverage AI to improve your Customer Experience [video]
How to leverage AI to improve your Customer Experience [video]
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If you missed our popular webinar on how AI can improve customer experience, catch the recording here! In this webinar recording, you’ll get an insight from industry experts on how AI can be applied to the customer experience. Quick Tip: Check out the Agenda with time references below. You’

5 benefits of using chatbots for customer experience
5 benefits of using chatbots for customer experience
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Customers want quick, seamless solutions to their problems. Some are used to the traditional way of phone support therefore a hard time accepting a chatbot with the notion that it is a robotic interaction, lacking the human touch. However, more and more customers are open to new technology, especially if

10 insider customer experience tips according to Shep Hyken
10 insider customer experience tips according to Shep Hyken
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Shep Hyken knows a thing or two about customer experience. He needs no introduction in industry-wide circles, but in case you’re not familiar with his name: Shep is an award-winning customer service and customer experience speaker, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author, A.K.A

Churn & Loyalty
3 ways Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning improve CX
3 ways Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning improve CX
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Artificial intelligence (AI) tools make it possible to easier anticipate customer needs in multiple ways. For example, marketers can analyze vast volumes of customer data, identifying the characteristics of high-value past customers which allows businesses to create highly personalized campaigns. Sales teams can quickly identify customer purchasing patterns and customer

Annette Franz shares her 7 deadly sins of customer experience
Annette Franz shares her 7 deadly sins of customer experience
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Customer experience expert, Annette Franz, shares her “7 Deadly Sins of Customer Experience” and her best tips for a successful customer experience transformation journey. Annette, please can you give us an overview of your career to date? I’ve been in this customer experience profession since long before it was

Customer Experience
The Kano Model - guest post by Michael D. Lieberman
The Kano Model - guest post by Michael D. Lieberman
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In this guest post, Michael Lieberman takes us through the Kano Model of customer satisfaction. This simple, powerful model is used to understand the difference between Basic, Performance, and Delighter features of a product or service.

Customer Experience
Customer experience insights with Jeremy Watkin, Customer Service Leader at FCR
Customer experience insights with Jeremy Watkin, Customer Service Leader at FCR
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We interview Jeremy Watkin, the Customer Experience Leader at FCR and co-founder and regular contributor on Customer Service Life. He shares his keys to building a great customer experience program and how lack of employee engagement can affect the customer experience. Can you briefly explain your background and current role

Customer Experience
Visualizing customer feedback: 3 alternatives to word clouds
Visualizing customer feedback: 3 alternatives to word clouds
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I've previously written about why word clouds suck. Is there a better way of visualizing customer feedback? Yes, there is, and the best thing about it is, you can even use Excel to create these visualizations – if you represent the data correctly. In this post, you will learn three simple

Customer Metrics
Emotional analysis of customer feedback – the missing link
Emotional analysis of customer feedback – the missing link
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According to Bruce Temkin’s 2016 study, after a positive emotional experience, customers are 15 times more likely to recommend a company. 15 times more likely! That’s a huge difference. Not surprisingly, emotion analysis is receiving a lot of buzz. But do the current solutions deliver on the key

Customer Experience
5 lessons from the Customer Experience Asia Summit
5 lessons from the Customer Experience Asia Summit
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There were many reasons why I was looking forward to the Customer Experience Asia Summit in Singapore. And I won’t lie, one of them was the fact that it took place at the famous Marina Bay Sands! But apart from a spectacular view of the city while swimming in

Key take-aways from sentiment analysis symposium 2016
Key take-aways from sentiment analysis symposium 2016
Members Public

In July 2016, I was fortunate enough to speak at the Sentiment Analysis Symposium in New York. It is one of the most important events for those who invent text analytics solutions and for those who use them. I also attended the co-located sentiment analysis tutorial run by Jason Baldridge.