Sentiment Analysis
Thematic Analysis Examples In Action Paid Members Public
Want to understand the "why" behind your customers' behavior? Our comprehensive guide on thematic analysis is here to help! Learn how to unlock hidden insights and drive your business forward with practical examples and actionable tips.
The Primary Methods of Qualitative Data Analysis Paid Members Public
In academic research as well as in the business landscape, qualitative data analysis plays a crucial role in understanding and interpreting non-numerical data. Qualitative data analysis helps us make sense of the stories and personal narratives. In the business context, qualitative data analysis turns customer feedback into an in-depth understanding
Qualitative Data Analysis: Step-by-Step Guide (Manual vs. Automatic) Paid Members Public
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What is Deep Learning? A brief history, and what it means for the future Paid Members Public
At Thematic, we have a dedicated research team that is always innovating to bring you the most accurate sentiment and thematic analysis. Solving this difficult task requires in-depth understanding of both the problem of customer feedback analysis and the relevant advances in technology. This article is a glimpse into one
The Complete Guide to Sentiment Analysis Paid Members Public
What is sentiment analysis? If we take your customer feedback as an example, sentiment analysis (a form of text analytics) measures the attitude of the customer towards the aspects of a service or product which they describe in text. This typically involves taking a piece of text, whether it’s
Thematic Analysis for Feedback: The Secret Weapon Most Companies Miss (Part 5/5) Paid Members Public
Discover Thematic Analysis, the ONLY text analysis approach that's accurate, fast, and transparent. Learn how it outperforms other methods and uncovers hidden insights in your feedback.
3 learnings from the Deep Learning for Sentiment Analysis workshop Paid Members Public
I wanted to share with you my learnings from when our team at Thematic organized and sponsored a free 3-hour workshop on Deep Learning for Sentiment Analysis, run byDr. Felipe Bravo-Marquez []. The workshop booked out within 24hrs of announcing it and more than
What is customer sentiment analysis and why should your business care? Paid Members Public
Have you wondered what customer sentiment analysis really is? Let’s get to the bottom of it. But first, let’s set some context. Customers are looking for positive experiences. Brands do too! “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget