Using Thematic

Read articles on how to get the most out of Thematic AI software and customer feedback data. Learn from customer stories, product examples and tips.

Product update: Thematic’s sentiment analysis more accurate with a 20% reduction of error Members Public

This is the second product update we’ve shared on our blog. So far we’re finding this medium a great way for our customers and enthusiasts to keep up to date with what’s new within the platform. Our team is always working hard to improve Thematic, and today

Nigel Warren
Nigel Warren
Using Thematic

Community Soundbites: How authentic are your customer-related KPIs? Members Public

How useful and authentic are your customer-related KPIs? This was the topic of discussion during our recent community call for insights professionals.

Chloe Narain
Chloe Narain
Data analytics

How Watercare levelled up their insights and CX metrics using Thematic Members Public

Recently, I hosted a webinar with Priya Thurai, Head of Customer Insights at Watercare NZ. We discussed the integral role customer insights have played in enabling their team to improve how they engage in the community. Today, Watercare continues to use Thematic insights to inform their decision making - driving

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Customer Experience

How AI-based feedback analytics powers growth at Atom bank Members Public

Recently, I joined a webinar with Michael Sherwood, Head of Digital Experience at Atom bank. Together, we discussed their mission to create a differentiated and customer-centric banking experience. Having been a customer of Thematic for over 3 years, the insights they’ve gained with us have been integral to their

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Feedback Analysis

What’s new in Thematic: Product update! Members Public

We don’t tend to talk about our product roadmap and updates on this blog, so this is the first blog post of this kind. And we are starting with 3 killer features: * You can now continuously discover more specific themes by interacting with our AI * You can now easily

Nigel Warren
Nigel Warren
Using Thematic

How LinkedIn Fuels NPS Insights Using Thematic's AI Members Public

In a recent presentation for NEXT by the Insights Associations, LinkedIn market research professional Allison Schoer joined Thematic’s co-founder Alyona Medelyan to share how LinkedIn uses Thematic to dig deep into feedback trends, align stakeholders around initiatives. If you would like to watch the presentation, check it out below.

Tyler Dye
Tyler Dye
Using Thematic

Mi Band vs. Apple Watch, should you spend big on smartwatches? Members Public

I like technology. Whenever there is a new release of a smart device, I’d read about it. But not for smartwatches. For some people, a smartwatch is an everyday essential but for me, it seemed like another device that throws all the notifications we don’t need at us,

Jae Huh
Jae Huh
Using Thematic

How we use our own platform and Chrome extension to centralize & analyze feedback Members Public

Customer feedback doesn't have all the answers. But it has critical insights for strategy and prioritization. Thematic is a B2B SaaS company. We aren't swimming in feedback. Every piece of feedback counts. Collecting and analyzing this feedback requires a different approach. We receive feedback from many places: * our in-product NPS

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Feedback Analysis

Table of Contents