AI & Tech

Read articles and blog posts to understand how AI and technology is used to analyze unstructured feedback data at scale. Keep up to date with the latest in AI technology, including LLMs, Machine Learning, NLP, Prompt Engineering and more.

Product view of Answers feature in Thematic

The future of insights: introducing Thematic Answers Members Public

Stop searching your feedback data. With Thematic Answers, type in your question and get a detailed answer, along with quantified and verbatim evidence. Dive in and ask for more details. It's for insights on the spot!

Caley McGillvary
Caley McGillvary
AI & Tech
two robots working together to analyze data

Predictive Operational Data Analytics and NLP: complementary parts of the same world Members Public

How can predictive operational data analytics and NLP work together to deliver amazing business insights?

Maurice Fitzgerald
Maurice Fitzgerald
AI & Tech
Male and female locked away within reach of a robot AI carrying a key

Generative AI and Feedback Analysis: security and data privacy concerns Members Public

How can you use generative AI safely? In this post, Alyona covers security concerns around generative AI, and addresses how to lower risks.

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
AI & Tech
AI robot peeking from a speech bubble working with insight professional male.

What does GPT-4 mean for Insights Professionals? Members Public

How will GPT-4 change the work of insights professionals? Will it take over the insights and research landscape - or can we use it to our advantage?

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
AI & Tech

Harnessing NLP to address customer needs: Munna Ahaduzzaman at Atlassian Members Public

Atlassian has to make sense of disparate customer datasets across all of its products. With Thematic, they can drill down into the detail, finding exactly where a problem originates and what needs to be fixed.

Caley McGillvary
Caley McGillvary
Using Thematic
AI technology to support us, as a tool you can use.

AI helps unlock valuable insights, but is there a catch? Learn from insights thought leaders Members Public

How are insights leaders using AI to help them be more successful? Several thought leaders shared their perceptions with us at TMRE 2023 - here are 5 key considerations.

Alana Dell
Alana Dell
AI & Tech

AI-powered, human enhanced! How to take feedback analytics to the next level Members Public

Can you trust AI when you don't understand the way it makes decisions? Or do you need control? Learn how AI and people can collaborate to get the best insights from feedback faster.

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
AI & Tech
A big blue robot looks down at a red robot that has fallen

Know what great looks like: building trust in text analytics software Members Public

When it comes to analyzing feedback, AI can be your best friend. But can you trust text analytics software if you don’t understand how it works?

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Feedback Analysis

Table of Contents