Using Thematic

Read articles on how to get the most out of Thematic AI software and customer feedback data. Learn from customer stories, product examples and tips.

Male and female locked away within reach of a robot AI carrying a key

Generative AI and Feedback Analysis: security and data privacy concerns Members Public

How can you use generative AI safely? In this post, Alyona covers security concerns around generative AI, and addresses how to lower risks.

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
AI & Tech
Two people looking at customer feedback

Maximizing the value of customer feedback for product teams Members Public

Responsible for People and Customer Insights at Atlassian, Jae shares what Atlassian has learned about maximizing the value of customer feedback for product development teams and their users.

Jae Eddison
Jae Eddison
Feedback Analysis
Fitness activities in front a apple watch with some functional icons such as social, GPS, Graphs, Weig

Fitness Tracker Showdown: Garmin Connect vs Strava Members Public

Two of the most popular apps for fitness tracking are Strava and Garmin Connect. I've chosen to compare App Store reviews for both to see what I can discover. If a run, bike or swim isn’t recorded by an app it didn’t actually happen, right?

Kim Cornwell
Kim Cornwell
Feedback Analysis
Product Update: Theme Summary

Product update: Theme Summarizer Members Public

Our Theme Summarizer feature is now powered by generative AI, so you can get an instant understanding of any theme in your data!

Caley McGillvary
Caley McGillvary
Using Thematic
Product update cover image showing comments connected to a dashboard widget

Product update: view customer comments from your dashboard Members Public

With our latest update, you can view customer comments from your Thematic dashboard. Enable comments in any widget with clickable themes, and get an immediate view of the customer, in their own words.

Nigel Warren
Nigel Warren
Using Thematic
A woman pops out of a computer, surrounded by analytics icons, a magnifying glass, chat bubbles, lists with checkboxes

6 ways product managers can leverage feedback analytics software Members Public

Feedback analytics software makes it easy for product managers to get a better understanding of what works (and what doesn't!) for their users. Find out how this helps build better products!

Caley McGillvary
Caley McGillvary
Feedback Analysis

Harnessing NLP to address customer needs: Munna Ahaduzzaman at Atlassian Members Public

Atlassian has to make sense of disparate customer datasets across all of its products. With Thematic, they can drill down into the detail, finding exactly where a problem originates and what needs to be fixed.

Caley McGillvary
Caley McGillvary
Using Thematic
A hand sorting boxes into a hierarchy

How to build a customer feedback taxonomy Members Public

What's the right way to build a feedback taxonomy? At Thematic, we’ve seen over a hundred teams build theirs using our solution. Read on to discover our learnings!

Alyona Medelyan PhD
Alyona Medelyan PhD
Using Thematic

Table of Contents