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What is Thematic Analysis? And How To Do It (Manual vs. AI)

When you have a lot of text feedback, like open-end survey responses, app review comments or X (twitter) threads, how do you begin to make sense of it all?

Thematic analysis is a powerful research tool that can help you cut through the noise and discover the patterns and insights hidden within your data. By identifying recurring themes, you can make informed, data-driven decisions that drive real impact.

What is Thematic Analysis?

Thematic analysis is a method used to identify, analyze, and report patterns (themes) within qualitative data. It helps researchers make sense of large volumes of text-based information (like interviews, surveys, or social media posts) by organizing it into meaningful groups. These themes represent recurring ideas, concepts, or opinions.

Inductive vs. Deductive Approaches

Inductive and deductive approaches are two fundamental approaches to research and knowledge acquisition. They differ in their starting point and how they arrive at conclusions.

The inductive approach starts with specific observations or data and then uses these observations to draw general conclusions or theories. This approach is often used in qualitative research, where researchers are trying to understand the meaning or significance of data.

The deductive approach starts with a general theory or hypothesis and then uses this theory to make predictions about specific observations. This approach is often used in quantitative research, where researchers are trying to test a theory or hypothesis.

Both inductive and deductive approaches can be valuable tools for research, and the best approach to use will depend on the specific research question being asked.

Inductive vs. Deductive - Discovering Themes from the Ground Up

Why Choose an Inductive Approach for Your Research?

The inductive approach in research is a powerful tool that prioritizes data-driven insights. Unlike theory-driven methods, it allows key themes and patterns to naturally emerge from the collected information, offering a fresh perspective on the subject.

Key benefits of adopting an inductive approach:

  • Authenticity: Findings are grounded in the real-life experiences and perspectives of participants, leading to more relevant and impactful conclusions.
  • Flexibility: This approach adapts to the data as it unfolds, allowing researchers to remain open to new discoveries and insights.
  • Potential for Discovery: By not being limited by pre-existing theories, researchers can uncover unexpected connections and relationships that challenge existing knowledge.
  • Data-Driven Insights: An inductive approach places emphasis on the data itself, ensuring that findings are directly derived from the information collected.

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data

Thematic analysis is specifically designed for qualitative data – data that is descriptive and conceptual rather than numerical. This type of data is often gathered through open-ended surveys, interviews, focus groups, social media conversations, customer support conversations (conversational analytics), or customer reviews. Unlike quantitative data, which can be easily measured and analyzed statistically, qualitative data requires a more nuanced approach to interpretation.

In addition to thematic analysis, qualitative content analysis is another method used to systematically analyze qualitative data. This process often involves data categorization to organize and interpret the information effectively.

Themes: What is a “Theme” in Thematic Analysis?

In thematic analysis, a "theme" is a recurring pattern of meaning found in qualitative data (like interviews or surveys). Themes are developed from codes, which are labels assigned to segments of text representing important ideas. Themes go beyond simple keywords; they capture broader concepts that summarize what people are saying or experiencing. For example, themes in product reviews might include "ease of use" or "value for money."

Themes are powerful tools for organizing and interpreting qualitative data. By grouping similar pieces of information together, themes help researchers and analysts identify the most salient and recurring ideas within a dataset. This, in turn, enables them to draw meaningful conclusions, make informed decisions, and take targeted action.

Top Use-Cases For Thematic Analysis In The Modern World

Thematic analysis is a versatile methodology that can be applied across a wide range of scenarios whenever you need to derive meaningful insights from unstructured text data. Data interpretation plays a crucial role in thematic analysis, as it helps in understanding the underlying patterns and themes. Here are some common use cases where thematic analysis proves particularly valuable:

Before starting the analysis, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the entire data set to ensure a comprehensive understanding.

Customer Feedback Analysis

  • Unstructured Feedback Channels: Analyze open-ended survey responses, customer reviews, support tickets, and social media conversations to identify recurring pain points, preferences, and areas for improvement. It is essential to ensure the analysis captures data relevant to the research question to provide a compelling account of the feedback and gain valuable customer insights.
  • Voice of the Customer (VoC) Programs: Thematic analysis helps consolidate and distill diverse customer feedback into actionable insights that can inform product development, marketing strategies, and customer service initiatives.

Market Research and Competitive Intelligence

  • Social Media Listening: Monitor online conversations, discussions, and mentions of your brand or industry to identify emerging market trends, competitor strategies, and consumer sentiment.
  • Qualitative Research Studies: Analyze interview transcripts, focus group discussions, and online communities to gain a deeper understanding of consumer motivations, needs, and pain points.

Product Development and UX Research

  • Usability Testing:  Thematic analysis of user feedback and observations during usability testing can reveal crucial insights for businesses developing software or hardware products. By identifying pain points, areas of confusion, or unmet needs, companies can make targeted improvements to their designs, enhancing user experience and overall product success.
  • Product Feedback: Analyze customer reviews, feedback forms, and app store comments to understand user experiences, identify feature requests, and prioritize product enhancements.


AI-powered thematic analysis software to transform qualitative data into useful & actionable insights.

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Human Resources and Employee Engagement

  • Employee Surveys: Thematic analysis of open-ended survey responses and employee feedback can help HR teams identify areas of employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction, as well as opportunities to improve workplace culture and engagement.
  • Exit Interviews: Analyze exit interview transcripts to uncover recurring reasons for employee turnover and address underlying issues within the organization.

Reflexive Thematic Analysis in Academic and Social Research

  • Qualitative Research Studies: Thematic analysis is a cornerstone of qualitative research, enabling researchers to identify patterns and themes in interview transcripts, field notes, and other qualitative data sources. This research methodology allows qualitative researchers to systematically analyze data to uncover meaningful patterns and themes.
  • Literature Reviews: Synthesize and interpret findings from multiple studies to identify common themes and gaps in knowledge.
Thematic is your Versatile Tool for Uncovering Insights

Addressing Specific Business Questions

Business insights can be derived through thematic analysis to answer a variety of business questions, such as:

  • What are the most common reasons for customer churn?
  • What are the key features or functionalities that customers value most?
  • What are the emerging trends and conversations in our industry?
  • How do our competitors position themselves in the market?
  • What are the main drivers of employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction?

Industries and Departments

Virtually any industry or department that deals with large volumes of text data and wants to stay ahead of industry trends can benefit from thematic analysis. Here are a few examples:

  • Technology: Analyze user feedback to improve software and hardware products.
  • E-commerce: Understand customer preferences to optimize product offerings and marketing campaigns.
  • Healthcare: Analyze patient feedback to enhance healthcare services and experiences.
  • Finance: Identify emerging trends and risks through market research and social media monitoring.
  • Education: Evaluate student feedback to improve course content and delivery.
  • Government: Analyze public opinion and sentiment on social media to inform policy decisions.
  • Nonprofits: Understand donor motivations and preferences to tailor fundraising strategies.

Thematic analysis is a powerful tool that can be applied across a broad spectrum of industries and use cases. Its ability to uncover hidden patterns and insights within qualitative data makes it an invaluable asset for anyone seeking to make data-driven decisions.

Make data-driven decisions with Thematic.

How to Do Thematic Analysis Manually (A Step-by-Step Guide to Data Coding)

Manual thematic analysis, a cornerstone of qualitative research, offers a hands-on approach to understanding the deeper meaning within your text data. Researchers meticulously comb through information, meticulously assigning codes and identifying patterns to uncover hidden insights. While this traditional method provides unparalleled depth and nuance, it's undeniably labor-intensive and time-consuming, particularly when dealing with large datasets.

Fortunately, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the field of thematic analysis, offering a faster and more efficient alternative. AI-powered solutions leverage advanced algorithms and natural language processing to automate many of the manual steps, uncovering hidden patterns and themes with remarkable speed and accuracy.

In this guide, we'll delve into both the traditional manual process, highlighting its strengths and limitations, and then explore the exciting potential of AI-driven thematic analysis, showcasing how it can streamline your workflow and unlock deeper insights from your data. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or new to the field, understanding both approaches will equip you with the knowledge to choose the best method for your specific needs and resources.

Let's begin by exploring the step-by-step process of manual thematic analysis, including tips and best practices to ensure rigor and accuracy.

Manual Thematic Analysis: A Step-By-Step Guide

1. Familiarization with the Data:

Immerse Yourself: Read and re-read your data (interview transcripts, survey responses, etc.) multiple times. Don't rush; allow yourself to become intimately familiar with the nuances of language, emotions, and recurring ideas.

Active Reading: As you engage with the data, highlight key phrases, jot down initial thoughts, and pose questions. This active engagement will deepen your understanding and prime you for subsequent analysis.

Reflexive Journaling: Maintain a journal to document your evolving interpretations, questions, and potential biases. This will enhance the rigor and transparency of your analysis.

Use a consistent coding scheme for clarity and consistency throughout the analysis.

2. Initial Coding:

Code Generation: Begin systematically labeling segments of text with codes – concise words or phrases that capture the essence of the idea or concept expressed.

Inductive Approach: Let codes emerge organically from the data rather than imposing pre-existing categories. This allows you to discover unexpected themes and patterns.

Granularity: Start with broader codes and gradually refine them as you gain deeper insights. Aim for a balance between detail and manageability.

Use a consistent coding scheme and maintain a codebook to document your coding decisions. This ensures clarity and consistency throughout the analysis.
Start with a broad set of codes and refine them as you progress. Use a consistent coding scheme to ensure reliability.
Start broad and then refine.

3. Theme Development:

  • Pattern Recognition: Review your codes and look for patterns, similarities, and relationships between them. Group related codes together to form potential themes.
  • Theme Refinement: Consolidate and refine your themes, ensuring they are distinct, meaningful, and representative of the data. Eliminate redundant or overlapping themes.
  • Visual Representation: Consider using mind maps or concept maps to visually organize your codes and themes, highlighting their connections and hierarchies.
Use mind maps or concept maps to visualize the relationships between codes and themes.
Review and refine your theme.

4. Theme Review and Refinement:

  • Data Validation: Revisit your data to ensure that your themes accurately reflect the content. Look for evidence that supports or challenges your interpretations.
  • Theme Coherence: Evaluate the internal coherence of each theme, ensuring that all supporting data aligns with its central idea.
  • Theme Distinctiveness: Assess the distinctiveness of your themes, ensuring they are clearly differentiated from one another.
  • Expert Feedback: Seek feedback from colleagues or experts in the field to validate your thematic framework and gain additional perspectives.
Maintain a codebook to document your coding decisions and theme definitions.
Thematic lets you quickly gain insights into your qualitative data.

5. Defining and Naming Themes:

  • Clear Definitions: Write clear and concise definitions for each theme, outlining its scope, characteristics, and nuances.
  • Descriptive Names: Choose descriptive and evocative names for your themes that capture their essence and resonate with readers.
  • Illustrative Quotes: Select compelling quotes from your data to illustrate each theme, providing rich contextual evidence for your interpretations.
Use clear and concise language when defining and naming themes.

6. Reporting Findings:

  • Narrative Structure: Craft a compelling narrative that tells the story of your data through your themes. Use a clear and organized structure to guide the reader.
  • Visual Aids: Incorporate tables, charts, or diagrams to visually represent your themes, their relationships, and their prevalence in the data.
  • Impactful Quotes: Integrate relevant quotes from your data to support your analysis and provide vivid examples of each theme.
  • Discussion and Implications: Discuss the broader implications of your findings for research, practice, or policy. Highlight the significance of your discoveries and suggest avenues for future inquiry.
Use a narrative approach to tell the story of your data through your themes.

Pros and Cons of Manual Thematic Analysis:



Provides a deep and nuanced understanding of the data

Can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially for large datasets

Allows for flexibility and adaptability in the analysis process

Prone to subjectivity and potential researcher bias

Enables the discovery of unexpected insights and themes

May be difficult to replicate and achieve inter-rater reliability

Well-suited for exploring complex or sensitive topics

May require specialized expertise in qualitative research methods

CAQDAS Tools: A Helping Hand

Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) can streamline the manual thematic analysis process by providing tools for organizing, coding, and visualizing data. Popular CAQDAS tools include NVivo, MAXQDA, and ATLAS.ti.

While these tools can enhance efficiency and rigor, it's important to note that they primarily function as digital assistants for researchers, offering functionalities to facilitate the manual coding and analysis process. Unlike modern SaaS/AI solutions, CAQDAS tools typically do not incorporate artificial intelligence or machine learning algorithms to automate analysis tasks. Therefore, careful human interpretation and analysis remain crucial components of the qualitative research process, even when using CAQDAS.

AI and machine learning can automate analysis tasks.

What is Thematic Analysis Software? Your Essential Toolkit for Unstructured Data

Thematic analysis software is a powerful tool that streamlines the process of uncovering insights from large volumes of unstructured text data. By automating time-consuming tasks and enhancing collaboration, these tools enable researchers, analysts, and businesses to analyze qualitative data more efficiently and accurately.

There are two main types of thematic analysis software:

  • Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS): Comprehensive tools for coding, analyzing, and visualizing qualitative data, like NVivo, MAXQDA, and ATLAS.ti.
  • SaaS Thematic Analysis Platforms: Cloud-based solutions like Thematic that leverage AI and NLP to automate theme identification and analysis.

Choosing the right software depends on your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise. Consider factors like the size and complexity of your dataset, your desired level of automation, and your collaboration requirements.

Automated Thematic Analysis with AI (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of customer feedback your company receives? Struggling to pinpoint the most critical issues and opportunities hidden within that data? AI-powered thematic analysis can be your solution.

Unlike traditional rule-based manual analysis, which is time-consuming and prone to human bias, AI-powered thematic analysis offers a streamlined and efficient way to derive meaningful insights from your customer feedback.

Whether you build your own AI-powered feedback analytics solution or buy a proprietary solution like Thematic, the steps are similar.

1. Seamless Data Integration

Connect your existing customer feedback channels—whether it's Zendesk, Qualtrics, or any other source. You can do it by using a centralized data warehousing, or by building connectors into various tools. In Thematic we let you effortlessly import your data, ensuring a continuous stream of feedback for analysis.

2. Advanced AI Engine

Our article on how to build your own feedback analytics solution explains what components are important for an AI Engine to analyze the feedback. Thematic's proprietary AI engine, powered by Generative AI, automatically sifts through your feedback data, identifying recurring patterns, topics, and sentiment. Unlike manual analysis, which is prone to human bias and limited by time constraints, our AI engine takes the first pass of the data and then lets you make it your own. This ensures  consistent and accurate results.

3. Intuitive Theme Visualization

Make sure to present your insights in an easy-to-understand format. Interactive dashboards, insightful charts, and word clouds highlight the most prominent themes in your feedback, along with their associated sentiment. This allows you to quickly grasp the overall sentiment landscape and identify areas for improvement.

Thematic analysis in action with Thematic. 

4. Granular Theme Exploration

Whichever system you use, make sure you can dive into each theme to uncover the nuances of customer opinions. It’s always useful to be able to filter your feedback by theme, sentiment, or customer segment to comprehensively understand what drives customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

5. Actionable Insights for Data-Driven Decisions

The ultimate goal of thematic analysis is to empower you to take action. You can leverage insights to prioritize product improvements, refine marketing strategies, personalize customer interactions, and ultimately enhance your overall customer experience.

With AI-powered thematic analysis solutions like Thematic, you can transform your customer feedback from a daunting task into a valuable asset. Once you unlock hidden insights in feedback, you can make them easily accessible to everyone in the company via a natural language interface. This will help your team make more data-driven decisions. Generative AI can now also create an action plan to help with your decision making.

AI-powered thematic analysis is not just about saving time and resources; it's about unlocking the full potential of your customer feedback data. By automating the analysis process, you can gain a deeper, more nuanced understanding of your customers' needs, preferences, and pain points. This enables you to make data-driven decisions that drive positive change and foster customer loyalty.

If you're ready to transform your customer feedback into a goldmine of actionable insights, explore the possibilities of AI-powered thematic analysis.

Harnessing the Power of AI and NLP

In the past, AI-powered thematic analysis software was performed using Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. But there has been a big shift in this space with the arrival of Generative AI. All language understanding tasks traditionally done by these older algorithms, can now be done more accurately by Large Language Models.

  • Machine Learning Algorithms: These algorithms are trained on vast amounts of data to recognize patterns, categorize information, and identify recurring themes.
  • Deep Learning: Deep learning models, a subset of machine learning, are capable of learning complex representations of language, allowing for more accurate and nuanced analysis.
  • Large Language Models (LLMs) are the basis for Generative AI and are deep learning models that were trained on huge volumes of feedback and then fine-tuned through human input.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP are algorithms that understand the nuances of human language, including syntax, semantics, and context. They can be based on Machine Learning, but don’t have to. Traditional NLP algorithms tend to be specific to a task, e.g. sentiment analysis or part-of-speech recognition, whereas LLMs solve language understanding in a generic way.

Advantages of AI-Driven Thematic Analysis

  • Speed and Efficiency: AI can process massive volumes of text data in a fraction of the time it would take a human analyst.
  • Accuracy and Consistency: AI algorithms apply consistent criteria for identifying themes, minimizing the risk of human error and bias.
  • Scalability: AI-powered tools can easily handle large and diverse datasets, making them ideal for projects with extensive data collection.
  • Uncovering Hidden Insights: AI can identify subtle patterns and relationships that might be overlooked by human analysts.
Thematic is a cross-industry, cross-function solution.

How Thematic Simplifies AI-Powered Thematic Analysis

Thematic, a leading AI-powered thematic analysis platform, makes it easy to harness the power of AI for your qualitative research:

  1. Connect Your Data: Integrate Thematic with your data sources, such as surveys, customer feedback platforms, or social media channels.
  2. Automatic Theme Generation: Thematic's AI algorithms automatically identify and extract relevant themes from your data, saving you countless hours of manual coding.
  3. Refine and Customize: Review and refine the automatically generated themes, ensuring they align with your research goals and objectives.
  4. Visualize and Explore: Thematic's intuitive visualizations and dashboards allow you to explore themes, track trends, and uncover hidden insights.
  5. Share and Collaborate: Easily share your findings with stakeholders, colleagues, or clients through customizable reports and presentations.
Experience the Power of Thematic Firsthand
Ready to revolutionize your thematic analysis workflow? Request a personalized demo or start your free trial of Thematic today and discover how AI can transform your data into actionable insights.
Experience thematic analysis and get started today.

Content Analysis vs. Thematic Analysis: A Comparative Look

While both content analysis and thematic analysis are valuable tools for analyzing text data, they differ significantly in their focus, methodology, and applications. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for selecting the right approach for your specific research or business needs. Analyzing qualitative content in both methods is essential to gain deeper insights and ensure comprehensive data interpretation.

A typical thematic analysis report includes sections such as introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion, supported by vivid quotes and interpretive analysis.

Content Analysis in Qualitative Data Analysis

Content analysis is a systematic method for quantifying and analyzing the presence, meanings, and relationships of words, concepts, or themes within a given text or set of texts. It involves a more structured and predetermined approach, often relying on predefined categories or codes.

Key Characteristics:

  • Focuses on manifest content (what is explicitly stated in the text).
  • Employs a deductive approach, starting with predefined categories or codes.
  • Involves counting and quantifying the occurrence of words, phrases, or concepts.
  • Aims to identify patterns and trends in the frequency and distribution of content.

Thematic Analysis in Qualitative Data Analysis

Thematic analysis, on the other hand, is a qualitative method for identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within data. It is more flexible and iterative, allowing themes to emerge organically from the data rather than being imposed beforehand.

Key Characteristics:

  • Focuses on both manifest and latent content (what is explicitly stated and implied in the text).
  • Employs an inductive approach, allowing themes to emerge from the data.
  • Involves a deeper interpretation of the meaning and significance of themes.
  • Aims to understand the underlying patterns and meanings in the data.

Comparative Table: Content Analysis vs. Thematic Analysis


Content Analysis

Thematic Analysis


Manifest content (what is explicitly stated)

Manifest and latent content (what is explicitly stated and implied)


Deductive (predefined categories)

Inductive (themes emerge from data)


Counting and quantifying words, phrases, or concepts

Identifying patterns of meaning and interpreting their significance


Identifying patterns and trends in the frequency and distribution of content

Understanding the underlying meanings and relationships between themes


Measuring media coverage, analyzing marketing campaigns, tracking public opinion

Understanding customer feedback, exploring user experiences, conducting social research

When to Choose One Over the Other

  • Content Analysis: Ideal when you have specific research questions that can be answered by quantifying the occurrence of particular words, phrases, or concepts. It is well-suited for large datasets and projects where objectivity and reproducibility are paramount.
  • Thematic Analysis: Best suited for exploratory research where you want to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying meanings and themes within your data. It is particularly useful for smaller datasets and projects where flexibility and interpretive depth are valued.

In some cases, a hybrid approach that combines both content analysis and thematic analysis can be beneficial. For example, you could use content analysis to identify the most frequent topics or concerns mentioned in customer feedback, and then use thematic analysis to delve deeper into the meaning and significance of these topics.

Thematic Analysis vs. Sentiment Analysis: Two Sides of the Insight Coin

While both thematic and sentiment analysis are powerful tools for understanding text data, they serve distinct purposes and offer complementary insights. Let’s explore their key differences and how they can work together to provide a more comprehensive understanding of your data. Understanding the emotional tone in sentiment analysis is crucial for accurately interpreting the sentiments expressed in the text.

Thematic Analysis: Uncovering the Meaning

Thematic analysis, as we've discussed, focuses on identifying and interpreting patterns of meaning (themes) within qualitative data. It aims to answer the question, "What are people talking about?" By analyzing the content of text data, thematic analysis reveals the topics, issues, and opinions that are most salient to your audience.

Key Goals of Thematic Analysis:

  • Identify recurring topics and themes
  • Understand the underlying meanings and interpretations
  • Uncover hidden patterns and relationships between themes
  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the key issues and concerns

Sentiment Analysis: Gauging the Emotion

Sentiment analysis, on the other hand, focuses on determining the emotional tone or attitude expressed in text data. It aims to answer the question, "How do people feel about what they're talking about?" By analyzing the language used in text data, sentiment analysis can classify opinions as positive, negative, or neutral.

Key Goals of Sentiment Analysis:

  • Measure the overall sentiment of a text or dataset
  • Identify the emotions associated with specific topics or themes
  • Track changes in sentiment over time
  • Gauge customer satisfaction or brand perception

The Power of Combining Thematic and Sentiment Analysis

While thematic analysis and sentiment analysis can be used independently, their true power lies in their synergy. By combining both approaches, you can gain a deeper understanding of not only what people are talking about but also how they feel about it.

For example, thematic analysis might reveal that "customer service" is a prominent theme in your customer feedback data. However, sentiment analysis can take this further by revealing whether customers generally express positive or negative sentiments towards your customer service. This combined insight allows you to prioritize areas for improvement and tailor your responses accordingly.

Specialized thematic analysis software can be particularly useful in efficiently identifying and categorizing these themes, especially in large datasets.

In essence, thematic analysis provides the context and meaning, while sentiment analysis adds the emotional layer. Together, they offer a more complete and nuanced understanding of your text data, enabling you to make more informed decisions and take more effective action.


AI-powered thematic analysis software to transform qualitative data into useful & actionable insights.

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Examples of Thematic Analysis in Action

Example 1: Customer Feedback Analysis for Improved Customer Experience

The Challenge: Serato, a global audio software company with millions of users, was collecting thousands of customer feedback responses each month through Zendesk, their customer support platform. While they recognized the valuable insights hidden within this data, manually analyzing it to identify meaningful trends and actionable feedback was proving to be both time-consuming and inefficient.

The Solution: Serato implemented Thematic's Zendesk integration to harness the power of thematic analysis in processing and interpreting their customer feedback data. Thematic's solution was able to accurately identify specific product issues, industry-specific terminology, and customer sentiment, effectively replacing the manual categorization process previously used by Serato's support staff.

The Impact:

  • Deeper Understanding of Customer Needs: Thematic's analysis provided Serato with a granular understanding of customer sentiment, revealing not only what issues were being raised, but also their relative importance and urgency.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Armed with this knowledge, Serato's leadership team could make informed decisions about product development and strategic partnerships, backed by a clear understanding of the market's pulse.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Addressing the specific product issues identified by Thematic led to a better overall customer experience, fostering loyalty and satisfaction among Serato's user base.
  • Efficiency and Scalability: By automating the analysis process, Thematic saved Serato valuable time and resources, allowing them to scale their customer feedback analysis efforts as their user base continues to grow.

Key Takeaways:

  • Thematic's Zendesk integration empowers companies to unlock the full potential of their customer feedback data.
  • Thematic's AI-powered thematic analysis provides accurate, actionable insights that can inform strategic decision-making and drive improvements in product development and customer experience.
  • The solution is particularly valuable for industries with specific terminology and complex feedback patterns, such as the music instruments industry.

Example 2: Market Research and Competitive Intelligence

The Challenge: A consumer goods company wants to understand how their brand is perceived in the market and identify potential opportunities for growth. They gather a large volume of social media data, but struggle to distill meaningful insights from the unstructured conversations.

The Solution: By applying thematic analysis to the social media data, the marketing team uncovers several key themes:

  • Brand Associations: Consumers associate the brand with quality, sustainability, and social responsibility.
  • Competitor Comparisons: Consumers frequently compare the brand to its competitors, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses.
  • Emerging Trends: Consumers are increasingly interested in eco-friendly products and personalized experiences.

The Impact: These insights inform the company's marketing strategy, enabling them to leverage their positive brand associations and address areas where they lag behind competitors. They also launch new product lines that cater to the emerging trends identified through the analysis, resulting in increased market share and revenue growth.

Example 3: Academic Research in Public Health

The Challenge: Public health researchers are studying the impact of a pandemic on mental health. They conduct in-depth interviews with affected individuals, generating a wealth of qualitative data that needs to be analyzed systematically.

The Solution: The researchers employ thematic analysis to identify recurring themes in the interview transcripts, such as:

  • Anxiety and Fear: Participants express heightened levels of anxiety and fear about the virus and its consequences.
  • Social Isolation: Participants report feelings of loneliness and isolation due to social distancing measures.
  • Resilience and Coping: Participants describe strategies they use to cope with the challenges of the pandemic.

The Impact: The findings from the thematic analysis provide valuable insights into the mental health impact of the pandemic. They inform public health interventions, raise awareness about the need for mental health support, and contribute to the development of evidence-based policies.

Choosing the Right Thematic Analysis Approach for Your Needs

Manual and AI-driven thematic analysis each offer distinct advantages and considerations. Selecting the optimal approach depends on your specific project requirements, resources, and desired outcomes. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each method to guide your decision-making process. It is crucial to choose the right analysis techniques to ensure the success of your project.

Manual Thematic Analysis: Depth and Nuance


  • Depth of Understanding: Allows for nuanced interpretation and in-depth understanding of the data's underlying meaning.
  • Flexibility: Researchers have full control over the analysis process, enabling them to adapt to unexpected findings or explore emerging themes.
  • Ideal for Sensitive Topics: Well-suited for complex or sensitive topics that require a high degree of human judgment and interpretation.


  • Time and Resource Intensive: Requires significant time and effort, especially for large datasets.
  • Prone to Subjectivity: Analysis can be influenced by researcher bias and preconceived notions.
  • Limited Scalability: Not practical for analyzing massive volumes of data.

AI-Powered Thematic Analysis: Speed and Scalability


  • Speed and Efficiency: Processes large volumes of data rapidly, saving time and resources.
  • Consistency and Objectivity: Applies consistent criteria for coding and theme identification, minimizing bias.
  • Scalability: Easily handles massive datasets and ongoing data streams.
  • Uncovering Hidden Patterns: Identifies subtle patterns and relationships that might be overlooked by human analysts.


  • May Requires Training Data: Some AI models need to be trained on relevant data to achieve accurate results.
  • Potential for Errors: Some AI algorithms may misinterpret nuances or context in certain cases. For example, an LLM that is fed a large volume of text, or an insufficiently trained supervised model.
  • Limited Interpretive Depth: May not capture the full richness and complexity of qualitative data, and build empathy for the users, compared to human analysis.

Choosing the Right Approach

Consider the following factors when deciding between manual and AI-powered thematic analysis:

  • Data Volume: If you have a large dataset, AI-powered tools are essential for efficient analysis.
  • Project Timeline: If you have tight deadlines, AI can significantly speed up the analysis process.
  • Research Goals: If your research questions require in-depth interpretation and understanding of nuances, manual analysis may be more suitable.
  • Resources: Consider the availability of trained personnel and budget constraints when choosing your approach.

In many cases, a hybrid approach that combines AI-powered analysis with human refinement offers the best of both worlds. You can leverage AI to quickly identify initial themes and patterns, then use manual analysis to interpret those themes in greater depth. This approach allows you to harness the efficiency and scalability of AI while ensuring the nuanced understanding and interpretive depth that only human analysis can provide.

Beyond the Basics: The Future of Thematic Analysis is Yours

Thematic analysis is your key to transforming raw, unstructured text data into a wellspring of actionable insights. Whether you choose to embark on a manual deep dive or harness the speed and efficiency of AI-powered tools like Thematic, the potential for discovery is immense.

By understanding the nuances of both manual and AI-driven approaches, you can tailor your analysis to suit your specific needs and resources. Embrace the power of thematic analysis to uncover the hidden narratives within your data, inform data-driven decisions, and ultimately, drive meaningful impact in your research, business, or organization. Data insights play a crucial role in thematic analysis, helping to identify patterns and trends that inform strategic decisions.

Ready to embark on your thematic analysis journey? Request a personalized demo and experience the transformative potential of Thematic firsthand.

Further reading

You can find out more about analyzing customer feedback and qualitative analysis in these guides:

We also have some free feedback tools and resources that may help you:

Ready to scale customer insights from feedback?

Our experts will show you how Thematic works, how to discover pain points and track the ROI of decisions. To access your free trial, book a personal demo today.

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How Watercare drives customer excellence with VoC and Thematic
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When two major storms wreaked havoc on Auckland and Watercare’s infrastructurem the utility went through a CX crisis. With a massive influx of calls to their support center, Thematic helped them get inisghts from this data to forge a new approach to restore services and satisfaction levels.

Using Thematic