Thematic Answers: the fast and easy way to identify and understand customer issues

Don’t waste hours analyzing customer feedbackdata to address adhoc questions from every team. Type in your question and in seconds you'll get a summary answer with rich detail, verbatims and powerful visualizations.

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Thematic makes me look like a genius.
The insights help executives understand the “why behind the what”, while senior managers use Answers to do their own explorations of what customers are saying. In 2024, a key theme for our company is “customer-obsessed” and Thematic is a major contributor in driving this initiative.
Senior Director of Research.
Mid-sized Global SaaS Company
We love it and we want to use more of it!
The possibilities are endless with Answers and we are excited about it's evolution.
Senior Customer Analyst
Australian Supermarket Group
It's easy to dig into the themes for more detail and get verbatims.
It's amazing.
I get questions all the time from my CEO and leaders, and with Answers, I just type in their question and get a summary answer for the exact question.
Optimal Services Manager
Seeking Health

Making it easier to understand customer insights, with all the evidence you need

Pinpoint issues and report on them in seconds

Answers is your biggest ally when time is tight and you need to help business units with ad hoc reporting.

Type in your question and get a narrative answer with powerful visualizations and verbatim evidence.

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Get comprehensive insights across datasets

We've made it easy to get a complete view of the customer voice, with analysis across datasets. Select multiple data sets for bigger sample sizes and a broader range of feedback, then type in your question.

Discover the insights in your data

Validate Answers and Data Used

To build trust and understanding, Thematic makes it easy to view the data that was analyzed,  the verbatim evidence and to guide the AI on refinements.

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Get to know Thematic Answers!

Watch our CEO, Alyona Medelyan, and VP of Marketing, Alana Dell, walk you through how this powerful tool can provide you with specific insights in seconds.

See how all your CX, product, operations, and marketing questions can be answered and shared on the spot.

A careful approach to Generative AI

We care about security, privacy and accuracy first and foremost. We follow rigorous engineering processes to evaluate and test best in breed LLMs, making sure Thematic delivers insights your researchers trust. At a price you can afford.

Built-in parallel processing & load balancing
Soc 2 Type II and GDPR compliant
PII cleaning