Free Tools for VoC, NPS and CX

We want to make your life easier and made these tools specifically for customer experience and customer insights professionals.

Collection of CX Toolkits in one Folder

ROI of NPS, Model of impact of NPS on Cost of Customer Acquisition, CX Survey Invitation templates and more!

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"I tested your ROI model against numbers I calculated by hand last quarter, and your model matched up precisely. The difference is that it took me two days to do this last quarter, while it didn’t even take me 2 minutes using your tool."

William Wilkins

Director of Client Services at Krypterion

NPS Calculator

Understand how Net Promoter Score works.

Calculate your NPS

Product Feedback Collector

Product Feedback Collector is a browser extension that allows all members of your organization to collect feedback about what needs to change to make your product better.

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